A lupus survivor's cerebrations on living day to day...

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    Lupus Survivor Stories Statistics

    Since its inception, September 9, 2008, the Lupus Survivor Stories Widget has told your stories via by 629 views. Besides the actual blog of origin http://lupussurvivorstories.blogspot.com/, the majority of the views were made on my blog collection's Ardent Cerebrations: Musings of a Lupus Survivor! welcome page and myspace pages. Considering the limited time I promoted this project in 2008, I found this response to our handful of stories encouraging enough to continue to collect stories throughout next year to promote Lupus Awareness in 2009. I believe social networking sites is an excellent venue for both support and awareness. Its empowering and FUN. So send me more stories...
    Lupus Survivor Stories Statistics:
    Domain / Widget Views / %
    lupussurvivorstories.blogspot.com / 217 / 34%
    alupussurvivor.blogspot.com / 107 / 17%
    myspace ttls / 197 / 31%
    grand ttl / 629 / 100%



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