Appointment with probono attorney went well. i 'm waiting for bus to go home from Juvenile Court. After summarizing my child support case, she was initially at a loss with the interstate complications. She called an attorney at Juvenile Court for advice. When she realized I had no car. She drove me herself. She walked me through, and convinced someone in Interstate to go ahead and see me to get started despite some discrepancy about ability to do anything until w/o certified orders from MI. Anyway the clerk saw me and called MI and made request for certified copies/pay history. Hopefully this step will get me started in TN. I've been run around so much and told so many conflicting things, Im not getting hopes up. I still want everyones ears open for legal information. I still need to locate William B. Dalton since it appears he's changed jobs/ moved. I've had to put my health goals on hold to take care of business. I'm trying to suck it up; not think about what I don't have & I can't do. Honestly,though I still have felt physically bad, and brain stops, I've been overcoming my emotions, anger and tearful moments with much better support from William. He's been much more proactive and cooperative. He hates to give up some social aspects of school, but he's ready to give up the mind numbing environment and concentrate on college test scores. William IS my career, my life's work, so I really don't want to blow the only investment I have left. I just want him accepted and financed in university of choice, then I can retire! I've gotten Home school docs; I just need accurate transcripts from Memphis City Schools. William has just 4 required classes left We plan to do Algebra 2, Spanish 2, Jr English next semester(Jan), Sr English for Summer. Anything else's gravy. though my child support will be absent indefinitely, I think we can keep basic monthly bills w disability. Maybe one of us gets part-time income, soon. What I'm asking everyones help with is Home School expenses (software/books) instead of Christmas gifts. I've already picked out some software that's pretty self-serving. I'll send list after thanksgiving.
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