I'm having a bit of a panic attack. Today, I've had the most severe case of balloon head that I've had for weeks. That's what I call the weird sensations I get in head, because I feel like helium has been injected in my brain. It feels like its floating upwards. At same time I feel like a ball and chains is pulling from the base of my skull. I'm lightheaded and heavy simultaneously. I haven't been feeling particularly stressed. I was feeling psychologically uplifted by my step aunt's invitation to visit her for Xmas. Yet since rising I've been unable to focus at all. I awoke with a lot of FM pain, I thought I'd improve mentally after ridding pain. I haven't left room or bed. I keep ping ponging from one thought to next. Fortunately, no negative most of them. Its first time in while I haven't been able to coordinate make cup of coffee. I've been stuck propped up on pillows, occasionally hitting remote controls. Unable to focus on movies, unable to stand noise on other channels. I know music would help but each time I lean over to laptop to attempt, I get lost trying to. I keep opening tabs and windows. Having new ideas, distract me from the last. I've tried to give into it, not worry about not accomplishing any tasks id planned. Trying to talk past my tendency to become panicky and obsessed with doing all the stuff running through my mind at once. I'm very spastic, having difficulty coordinating simple movements. Freeze spells, like petit mals, keep me blanking out for minutes at a time. Or I fight my eyes going shut, and suddenly feelings of overwhelming drowsiness, like narcolepsy. In past id often give in to the compulsion to perform whatever I'm obsessed over. While I'm in altered state, I'm most likely to do or say something regretful. With feelings of being lost and confused, I begin worrying that I might be forget something important. If I remember an important task,like paying a bill, then i'd feel I had to get everything done right then because I might forget altogether later.this train of thought has led to many disasters. I'm improved because I'm m more familiar with these events. I don't get so anxious. I realize I can't let crazy mind dictate any of my actions. Its been an all day struggle, back and forth dialogue in my mind. I've got queasy stomach pangs. I wished I had someone to call, hold my hand, like a hot line for neurologically/psychologically challenged. I've had conversations in my mind all day, with people I couldn't call. II thought it be good to journalize the event, then decide to address my thoughts to you. Sorry about appointment mixups;insurance changes messed up my medical transport arrangements. I thought I was kicked off tncare, but got letter saying previous letter mistake. Still, I have new provider that didn't cover MataPlus. Good news, Americare allow me to call one time for recurring appointments. Bad news, receptionist says I need to request BlueCare for West Clinic.
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