I continued to have a diminished neurological status the past week. Normally, i wouldn't go out especially not alone with such impaired thinking, but i didn't want to miss discussing neuropsychiatrist with my psychologist who'd been away on vacation. As storm loomed, I started morning off with fibromyalgia pain and nausea. The matAplus bus went about 30 miles in opposite side of town before getting me to my appointment half hour late. My neurology became so impaired i got lost in hall before getting to correct door to waiting room. Luckily my walker kept me from falling over as seizure descended on me just as i approached the receptionist counter. They recognized me and responded remarkably well. In minutes, I was being calmed by my doctor in her office. Once i was able to communicate she assessed all the problems that had contributed to my overload. She contacted an attorney for some advice. They informed me of nonprofit community legal assistance. She even went through the trouble of getting releases faxed etc. in order to talk directly to the neuropsychiatrist on my behalf to make sure i understood everything involved. She helped me outline a brief plan action for solving some problems in my personal business. She also helped me with script for discussing the insurance and fees for neuropsychiatric evaluation. Having such guidance relieved a great deal of my anxiety. Feeling more confident i called the neuropsychiatrist office the next day to discuss costs. I ended up talking with doctor directly. He was extremely cooperative, willing to bill medicare and allow me to work out any balance afterwards. He seemed genuinely excited about starting, saying to me "its gonna be like searching for clues to solve a mystery" I start next week, tuesday & thursdays for 8 sessions of neuropsychiatric testing!! Prayers answered! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Thanks! to everyone that emailed me prayers and scripture that got me through this difficult week!
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